Freedom of Information Oklahoma

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The First Amendment in Action

Our 2015 First Amendment Congress will be Wednesday, Nov. 4, in Constitution Hall  in the University Center at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond. The theme is The First Amendment in Action. We’ll look at the First Amendment protections for even speech we detest and at examples of freedom of speech being put to use by students and parents.

We also will announce the winners of our annual Zach Taylor First Amendment Essay Contest. For this year’s essay, young writers were asked to select one of the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment (speech, press, religion, assembly, or government petition) and write about its importance to our way of life.

Registration Deadline: Oct. 30

Click here for more information and a registration form.

More than 3,000 Oklahoma high school students have attended the First Amendment Congress since the annual program began. It is sponsored by Freedom of Information Oklahoma along with library, media and university partners.